Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ideas For Team Initiations

A premier normal

The most avid newspaper readers already know that some days the Republic proposes a questionnaire of ten questions you would like to put Silvio Berlusconi Noemi-on the gate, with intent clearly and deliberately provocative. Monday morning, Giuliano Ferrara, has devoted the front page of the paper to each other, simulating the hypothetical interview.
view of the fact that I am endowed with intelligence, opposable thumbs and a few extra pounds, I decided to do the same thing, of course, making my way to this famous interview, imagine what might happen in a country where journalists do not are some courtiers and politicians are not champions of guilty conscience.

Mr. President, how and when he met Mr. Letizia?
Approximately twenty years ago, during a vacation in Portofino. Me presented him a friend of mine and Confalonieri. He gave me a good first impression.

During this friendship many times did you meet and where?
To answer I should have a awesome memory, I do not know what to say. I can say is that I do not see very often.

How would you describe the reasons for his friendship with Benedict Letizia?
I was first a businessman, then a politician. An industrialist has to try to never lose contact with the outside world not to be excluded from those at the professional level can be important news. Then a politician must do in order to build consensus around them honest. I have already said that I gave to be a good first impression. I would add that a good impression then was always confirmed by his behavior.

Why has discussed the applications with joy that is not even joined the PDL?
I did it because I wanted to have an opinion on a few candidates for the European division of the South that he knows personally, so much better than me. You see: to get to know some men of the party is essential to know how the rooms are out of politics. Mind you: I asked Benedict to only an opinion, an opinion. Decisions are taken by then, still, in the appropriate forums.

When he got to know Letizia?
Sin since he was small, it is obvious.

How many times have you met Letizia and where?
What a question! I've already said I do not remember how many times I met the father for his daughter exactly the same manner.

She takes care of Naomi and her future and supports his family financially?
No, I only got them a few gifts on important occasions. Let me tell you something: I am a rich man if I did these things I would be held up as greedy and stingy. If I do, however, I am charged with the girls to go and buy votes. Excuse me, what should I do to not upset anyone?

It is true that he promised to promote Noemi his career in show business or politics?
No. And if you say so that means I said something wrong that has deluded. Naomi certainly has something in his statements inflated: it is a young girl who aims high, it is normal that it is unbiased.

Veronica Lario said she attended minors. There is more that meets or rears? For the paltry amount
malice! First of all let me say that no one breed, it is a bad expression, a peasant. I attend a lot of people being an important politician. I can say or do to start by saying that I believe Napoleon titles? Obviously, in the midst of this flood of people there are also Young girls and young women.

His wife says she is not feeling well and should be helped. What are your health?
I'm fine, the release of Veronica is exaggerated.

Now Giuliano Ferrara put a last question, certainly the most interesting. I will also propose a modest like that.

you have or have had an affair with Neomi?
No. I could be her grandfather.

Pending that one day our country is led by a person who responds well (even giving different answers on the merits, but that the conspiracy to stop crying forever) continue to roderci the liver.