Wednesday, February 4, 2009

800 Number For Checking Rogers Voicemail

* The Poetics of shit. Kein

At the end of a long process of research, discussions and constructive debates on the issue with eminent linguists, including my roommate, I came to the awareness of an important fact concerning the Italian, more specifically the art of poetry. What emerges clearly is that the word most poetic of the entire vocabulary of Italian and shit (no bathrobe as many of you mistakenly believe). Confirmation of this discovery is achieved by modifying the contents of the most famous poems to include the word shit. This is a very simple exercise, which highlights the one hand the capacity of this word to touch peaks of lyricism, the other to fit perfectly in any metric context. Here are some examples: You are
/ as autumn / trees / shit
So gentle and so honest it seems / my shit when she greets others
M'ilumino / Ei was because of shit
Estate / shit remained oblivious
T 'holy shit I love
It is sweet to shipwreck / this shit.

I could continue but I prefer to stop here.
You can, if you like, repeat this exercise: you will, I assure you, a lot of satisfaction.

Maybe (it's always good to keep an open door but I believe a little) on this piece of shit is my shit up last sBlog!

Thank you all!


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