Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Vintage Tin Toy Cleaning


See, we promised and we know that the editors of sBlog not ever keep their promises, but this time we made an exception.
Here we are then with one of the new features that will accompany us throughout this year, thanks to the joint venture with Sandy Mayer Cairo and publisher can publish in absolute preview "Tips for a happy married life" of DiPiĆ¹.
We apologize to readers for the heavy profanity of certain letters, but we know that when it comes to male-female relationships and sex in general (bad fennel) is best not to use turns of phrase, but to be clearer and direct as possible. We will try to simplify some technicalities in the analysis of the letters, but always putting ourselves first goal is to inform. Who writes DiPiĆ¹, and sBlog, it does because he wants to get answers and guidance on a very sensitive subject. All those who want to leave your opinion or give their advice can safely do so in the comments area.
With a little bit 'of emotion, but it begins:

"I have twenty-one years old and engaged to a guy who I love very much. Between us everything is perfect but I have a question that bothers me for some time: my cousin told me that sperm survive long in the body of a woman. So I was wondering: You can get pregnant even with intimate kisses, if he attains joy? " ERIKA

To meet those who had knowledge of physiology and sexology a brief explanation of the more technical parts of letter.
Erika is a healthy girl, in love with her beautiful rider. Since the two tied, as the same SanRoccoConnection to pure values \u200b\u200bwhich God, country and family have apparently decided to wait for the wedding to take the fateful step. Make cum in your mouth is of course the most natural outlet for the devout Erika wants to help its partners to comply with an undertaking so noble. But the trouble is just around the corner, unable to move from filthy cocksucker Erika can hardly swallow, which would cast a bad light on the homeland, family and probably God, but at the same time he can not spit out the offending male as with so much joy (it's appropriate to say) gave her his most precious seed. As you all know at this point she can only wait, with open mouth, the natural process of evaporation . For this, proving extremely judicious, put on those who go beyond the careful cousin, turned to our experts to find out if, in the meantime, the prolonged presence of semen in her body can cause an unwanted pregnancy.
How sperm in the mouth, groping in the dark.

Erika during a visit with our expert


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