Friday, May 14, 2010

Treat Rook Infections

Lama Francesca

a pleasure to see them and touch them sends you into ecstasy!

And the sensory pleasures of sight and touch you add a load of excitement and happiness that come from the history of yarn Francesca blade that produces at his farm in Argentina employing the talented local spinners with love and patience, select the portion of the fleece to spin, the drive shaft and then with the help of spindle and spinning wheel make a yarn with their nimble hands and quick expert guided by the experience and love for the same job for centuries.

wools blade Francesca are produced without the use of chemicals, completely natural in color (the color tones ranging from cream to brown) and spun by hand using local labor that drives the Italian culture for quality yarns and fibers are actually an Argentine wool, unique and precious.

Llamas bred by Frank on his farm are the result of a cross of wild alpacas and llamas that mated in freedom on the fields of the province of North-West Argentina under the Andean Cordillera and their coat is incredibly rich, shiny and silky.

Every time Francesca talks about the developments of his farm and his blade during our meetings knit cafe Knittable us all a great desire to visit her in Argentina and to cherish and care for his knife and then learn from Argentine women experienced the art of hand spinning.

Visit Lama Lane and Francesca contact if you have the experience to sink your hands into her beautiful yarns.


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